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full chicken
chicken lap
chicken wings
You are kindly welcome to Queen personal blog,we personally design this blog for our customers.We sell Frozen foods like:Full-Chicken,Chicken laps,Chicke chest,Chicken wings,Turkey,Blankets,Turkey with finger and Gizzard.We sell at Wholesales price.If u are a retailer we can help you bring your goods so been you have your money,we will bring it to you and have our money and you can also come to our stores yourself to buy.We locate at Ajegunle Ikorodun Lagos state Off Zion street Beside Anglican Primary School,Just Ask of G.O.A renters cus we do do rental business.Our store is also at 15 Jimoh Odu Street opposite Addis Ababa street along Unity Bank Ikorodun Lagos.We sell at a reasonable price for both retailers and final consumers.Contact us #08075825736 #08140122942 to negotiate with us.You are welcome.. Princemedico
Source: Google news
Source: CNN